In our fast-paced, constant digitally connected world, people are constantly looking for ways to unplug, slow down, and take a breath. And as many gravitate toward novel and immersive wellness experiences, one ancient form of meditation has been floating our boat for a little while now: sound baths!
But why…?

People have been using sound to promote healing for thousands of years. For example, ancient Greek physicians used musical instruments as therapy believing that the instruments’ vibrations could aid in digestion, treat mental disturbance, and induce sleep. Meanwhile, ancient Egyptians thought musical incantations healed the sick.

While a modern sound bath won’t cure you of the common cold, studies suggest it does come with certain physical and mental health benefits.

And a lot of us might already use sound as a default stress relief, without even realising!

Whether it’s putting the radio on to calm your mind chatter, listening to an audio book or calming sounds – more often than not we will turn to sound to help with our day to day stress.

Sound Therapy can instantly help you find your ground, blast away anxiety and help boost your mind by taking time to rest and reset.

A sound bath seeks to balance our physical, emotional, and mental systems, restoring a sense of harmony.

While a sound bath is supposed to bring you into a deep state of meditation, you don’t need experience in meditation to try it.

Anyone can benefit from the calming effects!

So what are the benefits? 

Sound baths put us into a deep relaxed state where alpha and theta waves are dominant. If you allow your mind and body to surrender or ‘soften’ into these brainwave states it is deeply restorative for the body.

For this reason, Sound Therapy & Baths are a great, easy way to counteract the effect of stress. Regular sessions reduce the build-up of stress beyond the level that is healthy for the body by:

  • Restoring more normal functions to our nervous system
  • Recharging the cortex of the brain with high-frequency sound
  • Releasing latent energy in the brain
  • Enhancing focus and concentration
  • Improving the quality of sleep
  • Reducing negative mind chatter
  • Enhancing inner calm and positive emotions
  • Deepening relaxation
  • Lowering stress and anxiety
  • Improving mood and well-being
  • A feeling of rejuvenation

Although these are common benefits, different people react to sound baths in different ways. For example, one person might feel especially relaxed, while another might feel a boost of energy.

Note: Sound baths often stir emotions in participants, so a release of emotions is normal. Some people cry, and others feel happy!

Benefits of Sound Baths infographic

Our Sound Baths

When you come to one of our Sound Baths, hopefully you will find that:

 The brain is calmed so obsessive thinking and mind chatter is reduced. A state that is closer to meditation can be achieved easily and retained throughout the day.

 You’ll have improved brain energy so you can handle stressful situations more easily and there is less need for a negative emotional response.

 DON’T FORGET – You can book an individual Sound Therapy Massage. Those who have tried a one on one have found that they help them to relax, unwind and take a deep breath, almost like they have had a super nap and that critical ME time.

This autumn and winter our diary is absolutely packed with Sound Baths, see below for dates and to book.

And if you’d like a private session, please get in touch.
We’d love to hear from you 🙂