Now that November and therefore autumn is officially winding to an end today, we thought we’d put something special in the diary for winter!

We will be hosting another set of hybrid Mediation for Beginners trial classes in December, with an option to attend in person or join online, with the chance to continue your meditation journey into January.

Clients often say they want to: 

  • Reduce the inner chat in their mind, be able to focus on something else instead and empty their mind.
  • Be able to stop those ruminating thoughts / overthinking silly things at night.
  • Clear their mind of mental clutter and be able to make decisions more easily.

  • Reduce feelings of stress & anxiety, sleep better, reduce feelings of nervousness, pressure or anxiety especially at work.
  • Quieten their mind, clear brain fog, have time for me!
  • Be able to ‘switch off’ and feel calmer more easily.


Winter, a time of hibernation, feels like the perfect time to
invest in a bit of me time…

If you have been having ruminating thoughts that you need to feel a bit calmer, less stressed or anxious and sleep better, then join us for beginners mindfulness meditation trial class!

So often, people talk about finding it difficult to switch their brain off, they feel stressed and constantly tired. In the same breath, they also say that they are looking for a way to feel calmer, more relaxed and have some quality ‘me’ time.

Meditation is the perfect antidote for all of these problems!

We have found that people are often interested in trying meditation but are worried that they won’t get it right, be able to stop thoughts or aren’t good at relaxing. They feel like they can’t relax, switch off or stop their brain running at 100mph.

This is nothing to worry about, as it is common for people to be worried about not being able to stop thoughts during meditation. They think the aim of meditation is to not have any thoughts so they aren’t doing it well when they try. When actually the aim of meditation isn’t to stop the thoughts and empty the mind, but to not get caught up in the thoughts, to be able to let them go and to focus on you breathing. With practice you hopefully find you have more space between thoughts.

Meditation is a wonderful tool which can help people to clear their mind, reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, feel calmer, make clearer decisions and also sleep better.

If you’d like to book in now, we have two options:

Join us in person for the meditation class by
clicking HERE

Join us online via zoom by
clicking HERE

Or if you prefer to speak to a human
please call 01722 632155

Five reasons to book your meditation session now:
1. Learn simple stress reduction techniques can start doing straightaway.
2. Feel calmer, relaxed, and fully prepared for a good night’s sleep.
3. Be shown how meditation can help calm the mind and quieten ruminating thoughts.
4. Learn how meditation can help to be more productive and have more energy.
5. Be shown how meditation can help reduce physical symptoms of stress.

Not sure what to expect?
Here is what Lesley said after her first session:
“With life recently being so intense I was having issues sleeping which in turn was impacting on my days. I can never switch my mind off and didn’t think that meditation would work for me.
A trial session showed me that I was wrong about that, I am using the tools Gemma taught me at night and find I can get back to sleep much quicker. I still need to work on this going forward and look forward to learning and practicing more’’

We hope to see you in a meditation class soon,