Whilst we’re all in winter hibernation mode, it’s the perfect time to eek out some time for yourself to re-align and enjoy the healing benefits of Sound Baths.

The pure sounds of the Tibetan Bowls envelope your brainwaves, soothing and slowing your busy mind into a meditative state while the vibrations gently restore resonance and harmony throughout your physical and non-physical body. It’s so deeply restorative and rejuvenating, by the end you’ll feel beautifully calm and relaxed.

While nutrition, sleep and exercise are often the key elements of a healthy lifestyle, a solid wellness routine can help improve your energy, happiness and overall health.

Sound baths, in particular, are gathering pace in popularity as more people are feeling the benefits – bringing alignment to the mind, spirit, and body, which promotes self-healing abilities. This may well be perfect for relieving seasonal depression (SAD), general anxiety, new year nerves and more.

Sound Healing

Sound healing is a unique experience. It goes beyond and connects you to the peace and calm that lies within us all, to the joy of vibrational alignment and the resonance of your soul.

With Tibetan singing bowls you will be transported to a blissful state of inner peace. Wonderfully restorative and deeply relaxing, the experience nourishes on many levels as the sound vibrations bring the brain to a state of calm and soothe the nervous system. Your body and mind return to a place of rest, allowing you to retune yourself.

It’s a very unique and non invasive way to deal with uncomfortable physical symptoms, old wounds, unconscious patterns and emotional blocks – even some that we didn’t know we had can be dislodged, released and cleansed…

The soothing vibrations create a healing experience and help us to enter into a meditation, giving us the chance to let go of our current situation and perhaps allow in some new thoughts or space for clarity.

What are the benefits?
Sound baths are known to reduce anxiety, stress, and insomnia, improve your ability to concentrate, and relieve forms of physical pain and emotional trauma. You’ll likely feel the positive effects immediately.

What can you expect?
To make the most of your experience, go with an open mind. It can be best to drop any expectations around having a specific experience. Sound baths and healing can be different for the individual each time. Some people fall fast asleep while others might experience sensations in their body or go on a visceral journey in their mind’s eye.

How should you prepare?
Luckily, there isn’t a lot of prep involved! Generally we provide everything, but feel free to bring anything else that might help create a cozy space to help you relax. Wear anything you feel comfortable lying down in and it can be a good idea to bring a bottle of water.

The winter weather invites us to rest, so why not wrap yourself up and let the healing vibrations restore you!


Thank you to those who joined us on our Beat the Winter Blues Mini Retreat last weekend!

If you missed out and would like to be added to our waiting list please get in touch.

The good news is that we have another Sound Bath on the 20th January.

For more dates and to book check out the diary below and click on the booking button to reserve your space – don’t delay as we keep our classes small so they get booked up quickly!