Gardens are special spaces. They can improve our wellbeing in many ways, helping us feel calm, giving a sense of purpose and they are a great workout too!

Gardens can particularly work wonders when we are stressed and under pressure…

Gardening to reduce stress

Around one in four people per year in England experience a mental health problem of some kind, according to Mind. This makes the role of gardening so important, particularly when the NHS is stretched.

There is plenty of research which confirms that time in gardens and green spaces can support mental health:

  • Research in Sweden found access to a garden had a significant positive impact on stress. This was true even if the person had a simple balcony.
  • An article in Mental Health Review Journal reviewed a large body of research. It showed the positive effects of gardening on mental health. This included reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  • A study by University of Exeter Medical School looked at green spaces for mental health. They discovered people moving to a greener area (in terms of parks and gardens) experienced an improvement in mental health. This continued for at least 3 years after moving.
  • Mental Health Foundation created a report on Mental Health and Nature. It highlighted how, alongside time spent in nature, that the extent we feel connected to nature is also important for supporting good mental health.
  • Thrive surveyed 317 people at a table-top gardening session in Berkshire, Hampshire and South Oxfordshire. Of these: 80% reported better mental health & 93% said their confidence and motivation improved.

Gardens can be relaxing! Just looking at a green space can help us de-stress. They can also give us a sense of achievement, boosting confidence and self-esteem.

Why gardening is great for your health & wellbeing

The verdict is in: gardening is beneficial for mental health and wellbeing. Not only can regular gardening reduce mental health problems like depression and anxiety, but it can also reduce stress and combat high blood pressure, as well as improving overall physical fitness.
So what is it about pulling up weeds, pruning unruly shrubs and tending to seedlings that makes us feel so good?

Growing plants gives us responsibility
Having a living thing to care for gives us a sense of responsibility – if we don’t prune, water or otherwise care for the plant, it may die. This responsibility is beneficial for people suffering with mental health issues, as it gives them purpose and a sense of worth.
Gardening connects us with nature
In our increasingly urbanised and technologically driven world, reconnecting with nature can have a huge impact on mental health. Studies have found that spending time in green spaces helps people to destress and relax. It also helps people to feel more at one with the world, and overcome feelings of self-absorption that can worsen mental health issues.
Plants don’t judge
For those suffering with conditions such as anxiety or paranoia, going out into a social setting can be frightening. But spending time in the garden doesn’t have the same connotations. Plants can be nurtured and cared for by anyone without passing judgement, and keeping plants healthy can improve self-esteem and confidence.
Gardening is great exercise
Research has found that a three to four hour session of gardening can burn as many calories as an hour at the gym. Exercise releases endorphins – the ‘happy hormone’ which makes people feel satisfied and relaxed. Regular exercise has proven to be beneficial for a wide range of mental health issues, and can contribute to improving other aspects of our lives, such as helping us sleep better or promoting weight loss, which can boost self-esteem.
Gardening is therapeutic
Instead of worrying about bills, work, or the everyday stresses of life, our minds are focused on the task at hand – whether that’s repotting, chopping, weeding or hoeing. Concentrating hard on a physical task is good because it gives our minds a break from those things that might be getting us down.
It encourages us to live in the moment
Anxiety worsens when a person focuses heavily on the past, or spends too much time worrying about the future. Being in and around the ever-changing cycle of nature helps us to appreciate the everyday and focus on the ‘now’. Gardening helps us to feel more in tune with the seasonal changes, as the garden develops with each passing week.

Different plant species flower at different times, and birds, bees and butterflies come and go. You may have a looming deadline at work, but the startling beauty of a freshly blooming peony will only be there to appreciate for a short time, so make the most of it.

It’s a good way to vent anger and frustration
Bad day at work? Grab a shovel and get digging. Or better yet, pick up the garden shears and take it out on those brambles hiding in the hedge. Certain aspects of gardening – cutting, chopping, hacking and digging – are great ways to vent some fury, and you’ll have something to show for it afterwards. Destructiveness in the garden is actually a good thing, as it prevents plants from overgrowing and keeps encroaching weeds at bay. But be careful!

Gardening puts you in control
If you feel like things are getting on top of you, gardening puts you back in control. While you may never be able to fully have your life in order, you can decide how to arrange your vegetable patch, and where the sweet peas should creep next. The satisfaction of an orderly garden can be very therapeutic when other aspects of your life aren’t quite going to plan.

Why not create a Meditation Garden?

A meditation garden should be a private, soothing, and serene area where you can feel comfortable and safe.

Find a quiet corner and separate this space with a fence, gate, movable screen or a shrub border. The design and materials can be simple, natural, and low maintenance. You are trying to get away from the busyness of daily life, and reflect on the simplicity of nature!

Additions to make your meditation garden unique: 
  • Make a pathway of stone, gravel, bricks, or pavers that leads to a seating area. Put in a bench, hammock, or yoga mat, perhaps in a gazebo or under a pergola.
  • Add a water feature, such as a fountain, pond, bird bath, or simple water bowl. Water is cleansing and calming. Use baritone wind chimes or meditation bells for gentle sound. Some wind chimes are very hypnotic.
  • Add boulders, rock gardens and other rock features like a labyrinth to offer a sense of grounding.
  • Add plants with minimal color for simplicity. Create visual interest with texture and shape. Choose plants with definitive structure like grasses, evergreens and gnarled or weeping trees. Native plants are low maintenance and will attract native birds and bees. Plant fragrant lavender to help with relaxation.
  • Add sculptures that you enjoy or even of spiritual figures who are important to you.

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