Meditation has gained popularity recently as a way to reduce stress, improve focus, and increase overall wellbeing.

However, meditation can also be a powerful tool for attracting positivity and cultivating a more positive mindset into your life.

Train your brain

At its core, meditation is about focusing your attention and becoming more aware of your thoughts and feelings. By doing this, you can develop a greater sense of control over your mind and emotions, which can have a profound effect on your outlook on life.

One of the key ways that meditation can attract positivity into your life is by helping you to cultivate a more positive mindset. When you meditate, you are training your brain to focus on the present moment and let go of negative thoughts and emotions. This can help you to develop a more optimistic outlook on life, which in turn can attract more positive experiences and opportunities.

Another way that meditation can help you to attract positivity is by increasing your level of self-awareness. By regularly meditating, you can become more attuned to your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This can help you to identify any negative patterns or beliefs that may be holding you back and make positive changes to your life.

Meditation can also help you to develop a greater sense of gratitude and appreciation for the good things in your life. By regularly reflecting on what you are thankful for, you can cultivate a more positive attitude and attract more positivity into your life.


Happy Place

This type of meditation involves you really immersing yourself in the memories in your mind. Picturing it, thinking about what you could see, touch, smell and hear.

Focusing our minds on a time when we felt really happy can help people to feel happier and more positive in their minds.

“May I be Happy”

This type of meditation uses a mantra (repeated phrase) which you can say silently to yourself or even out loud. People often struggle if they think or say I want to be happy or more positive. If we change the wording to may I be happy and more positive this allows part of our brain to accept that we might not feel it right now but it is possible in the future.

Mantra’s I quite often use are:
May I be healthy, May I be happy, May all things go well for me.

Reliving a Happy Memory

Similar to the first type of meditation where we focused on a happy place. This might not be a place but a memory involving someone else which made you feel happy, positive or loved.
Taking you back to the time can help your mindset and start to shift your mind into a more positive outlook rather than a stressed, negative or lacking mindset.

By the Seaside

For a lot of people thinking or imagining themselves by the sea helps them to feel calmer, clearer and more positive.

Vitamin sea! (excuse the pun), there is a growing amount of research showing blue spaces or bodies of water improve our health and wellbeing.

If you are someone who doesn’t like water or the sand between your toes, you don’t have to go that far you can just enjoy it from afar or if you like to sit with the sand between your toes and listen to the waves you can do this also.

Most people who we do meditations focusing on the seaside feel so much calmer, at peace and positive with their current situations afterwards.

Loving Kindness

Lots of people seem to really enjoy this type of meditation. We start off this meditation sending positive thoughts of health, happiness and peace to ourselves. We then send the same positive thoughts to a loved one, family member or friend. We then extend these positive wishes to people locally and around the world.

People often get a sense of warmth, happiness and love from this meditation. There is a lot of research showing the benefits of this type of meditation for our overall health and wellbeing. Doing this meditation regularly has been shown to make changes in the brain to areas where empathy happen and people build a greater sense of compassion for themselves and others.

Imagining Achieving a Goal

People often have a goal or intention they would like to happen whether in life, work or business. During a meditation we can start imagine what it would feel like and look like when that goal is achieved.

If we can tap into the feeling of success, accomplishment and joy we feel as we see ourselves achieving the goal then we can use that to motivate us as we take action to achieve the goal.

For example if you goal is to reduce stress in your life, if you can see yourself as someone who is more relaxed, calmer and spending time enjoying life we can use how that makes you feel to motivate us to continue to do things like prioritising meditation, gentle movement and creating a bed time routine to help us feel calmer and more relaxed.

Visualising Steps

Not only can we use a visualisation meditation to help people imagine achieving the goal we can also use it to visualise the next steps towards achieving your goal whether in life, business or work.

During meditation I personally often find it is like a pause for my mind and that give me clarity. When I start to then visualise what I want to achieve quite often the solution or next step becomes clear to me ready for me to action when I have finished the meditation session or write it down for a reminder when I am ready.

Sometimes people often say to me they can see what they want to achieve but they can’t necessarily see the steps or how they get there. I don’t know about you but my brain likes to know the how. Sometimes this is possible and sometimes we just have to know the next step to take.

Letting go of a problem

When I do this type of meditation with people they often find it really powerful in the sense of realisations but also what they are able to let go of.
Imagining letting go of your worries, problems, frustrations and stresses is such lovely meditation and afterwards people often feel calmer, less stressed and just enjoy the feeling of letting go.

It’s always interesting to ask how this meditation went. Someone once said to me they couldn’t let it go and were holding onto the problems. Another person said they could let go of some things and not others. Someone else said that it was quite freeing as they suddenly realised what things they could let go of and kept getting rid of more and more. Everybody’s experiences are different and after the session I quite often recommend some reflection to see what comes up for them, this is really good to write it down as it gets it out of our heads and expresses it.

All being well

This type of visualisation can be difficult for some if they find that there is a lot going on in their life, but being able to imagine all being well can help them to feel calmer and more at peace with their situation.

Most people are able to remember a time when life was a little easier and get connect back into that feeling. I tend of think of all being well as allowing the flow and ease to happen rather than feeling like you are trying to swim through treacle or push a large boulder up a mountain. If we connect back to the feeling of all being well and it improving we can feel lighter, at peace, calmer and able to keep taking action to make changes.

Focus on Nature

Who doesn’t love being out in nature whether it is in the park, in the woods, mountains, by the sea or in a calming garden?

There is lots of research showing that people who can see greenery and nature when recovering from illness or surgery recover quicker. It has been said that being in nature helps people emotionally but also can reduce blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension and stress hormone levels.

Emersing yourself in nature for health and wellbeing has actually been called Ecopsychology. That being said, if we can use the imagination to visualise being in nature we can create the same effect with the mind.

Lots of people find they really enjoy meditations where they see themselves in nature and are calmer and more relaxed afterwards. Can you imagine what could happen if everyone in their lunch break spent 10 minutes imagining themselves immerse in nature?

Get Started

To get started with meditation, you don’t need any special equipment or training. All you need is a quiet space where you can sit comfortably and focus your attention. You can start with just a few minutes a day and gradually increase the amount of time you spend meditating as you become more comfortable with the practice.

By helping you to cultivate a more positive mindset, increasing your self-awareness, and developing a greater sense of gratitude, meditation can have a profound effect on your overall wellbeing and attract more positivity and happiness into your life. So why not give it a try and see what positive changes it can bring to your life?
