Conquer the Winter Blues 🤗

Conquer the Winter Blues 🤗

As the days continue to feel short (although a little less so, bit by bit) and the weather chilly, many of us find our mood shifting. What might have been a spring in our step can all too easily still become a slow shuffle through the wintry days. This, is the...
Wellbeing ideas for 2024

Wellbeing ideas for 2024

After the Christmas fun, food and maybe fights have passed, it’s that time again. A new year, a blank slate, a fresh start. Perhaps 2024 could be the year to try some new goals? We’re sharing a list of ideas to boost your wellbeing and help make next year the best it...
Tips for a relaxing Christmastime 🎄

Tips for a relaxing Christmastime 🎄

For many the start of December can actually bring about the most stressful days of the year. Buying gifts, baking, decorating, Christmas parties and planning menus – all this in addition to the normal working day. The holiday season should be peaceful and quiet....
Sleep & mood in winter 😴

Sleep & mood in winter 😴

Winter’s long dark nights and short cold days can affect your daytime mood and energy levels as well as your sleep. During the winter, people tend to feel sleepier during the daytime and feel less happy compared to in the summer. But there are a number of things that...
Autumn & Winter Wellness 🍂

Autumn & Winter Wellness 🍂

As the dark nights are approaching, we can sometimes find the transition to the shorter, busier days of Autumn a challenge. To help ease this transition we have put together 10 Autumn & Winter wellness tips to get you ready for the colder months and keep your...