6 Meditation Facts You May Not Know 😮

6 Meditation Facts You May Not Know 😮

Maybe you’ve been practicing mindfulness for a while now, and you’ve experienced its transformative power. But have you ever wondered if there’s more to discover? In this newsletter, we’ll delve deeper into the fascinating world of mindfulness...

Nurturing Summer-Time Peace ☺️

Summer holidays! A time for family adventures, relaxation, and creating lasting memories. But let’s be honest, it can also be a whirlwind of activity, juggling childcare, work demands, and keeping everyone entertained. Stress levels can rise and precious...
Meditation for memory & focus 🧘

Meditation for memory & focus 🧘

Imagine waving a magic wand and bam! Crystal-clear memories, laser-sharp focus, and stress melting away like winter snow. You’d breeze through tasks, effortlessly achieve goals, and prioritize with ease. Suddenly, life feels calmer, clearer, and even a little...
Conquer the Winter Blues 🤗

Conquer the Winter Blues 🤗

As the days continue to feel short (although a little less so, bit by bit) and the weather chilly, many of us find our mood shifting. What might have been a spring in our step can all too easily still become a slow shuffle through the wintry days. This, is the...
Tips for a relaxing Christmastime 🎄

Tips for a relaxing Christmastime 🎄

For many the start of December can actually bring about the most stressful days of the year. Buying gifts, baking, decorating, Christmas parties and planning menus – all this in addition to the normal working day. The holiday season should be peaceful and quiet....