How Meditation Affects Your Brain 🧠

How Meditation Affects Your Brain 🧠

In this newsletter we’re going to have a little delve into what happens to your brain when you meditate and why it’s great for brain health and wellbeing. Because, for an activity that narrows your focus to the present moment, there is a lot that’s...
Visualisations in Meditation

Visualisations in Meditation

It can seem counterintuitive to combine visualisation and meditation. After all, meditation is all about letting thoughts come and go rather than consciously directing them toward a particular result, right? Visualisation in Meditation When you visualise, you focus on...
Are you a headache or migraine sufferer?

Are you a headache or migraine sufferer?

Recent research indicates that imbalances in the autonomic nervous system (ANS) that are typical of stress-related migraines and tension headaches can be alleviated by practising mindfulness meditation. Both tension headaches and migraines are unfortunately common and...
Meditation Tools

Meditation Tools

Meditation looks pretty simple in theory, doesn’t it? If you’ve ever tried meditating or do so regularly, you’ll know first hand that it can be more challenging than it first appears. Maintaining a mindful connection with your breath and the present moment...
Retreat deets… 📥

Retreat deets… 📥

In our busy lives, sometimes we just need some stress relief. We get pulled in all sorts of directions. Our minds have been overwhelmed with all sorts of pressures. Time out to stop, reflect and reconnect with our senses with some wonderful self-care is what many of...
Spring Gardening for Mental Health

Spring Gardening for Mental Health

Gardens are special spaces. They can improve our wellbeing in many ways, helping us feel calm, giving a sense of purpose and they are a great workout too! Gardens can particularly work wonders when we are stressed and under pressure… Gardening to reduce stress...