You may be thinking about trying meditation but aren’t sure if our classes are right for you…
I thought I would share with you how our mindfulness meditation classes are different so you can know if they are right for you.
We often hear from people who are interested in trying meditation but they aren’t sure if it is right for them. They are often feeling stressed, anxious and or tired and the idea of starting something new or joining a class where it is a group of people they have never met before can feel daunting. Trust me we understand this, but we highly recommend taking that first step and joining a session. We are currently offering a hybrid of online and in person sessions so hopefully everyone feels more comfortable depending on their circumstances to give it a go.
We work really hard to make our sessions feel welcoming, non judgemental and a safe space to share if you wish to.

Worried about not being able to switch off your mind in meditation?
People often say to me they find it difficult to switch their brain off, they feel stressed and tired. They are looking for a way to feel calmer, more relaxed and have some quality ‘me’ time.
People are often interested in trying meditation but are worried that they won’t get it right, be able to stop thoughts or aren’t good at relaxing. They feel like they can’t relax, switch off or stop their brain running at 100mph.
Thoughts in meditation
It is common for people to be worried about not being able to stop thoughts during meditation. They think the aim of meditation is to not have any thoughts so they aren’t doing it well when they try. When actually the aim of meditation isn’t to stop the thoughts and empty the mind, but to not get caught up in the thoughts, to be able to let them go and to focus on you breathing. With practice you hopefully find you have more space between thoughts.
Therefore you aren’t doing it wrong or bad at meditation if you have thoughts during your meditation practice. You just might not have find the best type of meditation for you or need coaching through thoughts with some simple tips to help let them go which we discuss in our meditation trial class. So we highly recommend you join us to learn how you can start to let go of thoughts rather than end up in there spiral within your mind.
Meditation is a wonderful tool which can help people to clear their mind, reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, feel calmer, make clearer decisions and also sleep better.

Interested but concerned as won’t be able to sit cross legged?
In our meditation classes especially for beginners we recommend you sit in a chair where your body feels supported and you are able to stay focused on the meditation rather than parts of your body loudly shouting at you because you are uncomfortable so please don’t let this stop you from experiencing meditation.
If you would like to experience how you can benefit from meditation without having to sit cross legged or get into yoga our small group classes are a supportive, friendly environment with a knowledgeable teacher whose main aim is to help you find the right type of meditation for you.
If you are still unsure I highly recommend you click below and gain access to our free guided meditation which aims to help you reduce stress, feel calmer and sleep better.
Try the 5 minute guided meditation and then if you have questions or would like to join us for a class please just get in touch.
Claim Your Free Guided Meditation
Interested in how meditation could help to reduce stress clear brain fog sleep better and have time out for you people?
Claim Your special offer ‘mindfulness meditation beginners online or in person session’ or book a relaxing soundbath
To claim yours now, simply click on the orange button below and then chose the option that suites you best on the next page